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How to recruit Henchmen in Evil Genius 2: World Domination

In both Evil Genius games, the player can hire various heroes or villains in this case, which serve as essentially super soldiers in their war against the world. However, the way you hire them in Evil Genius 2 differs slightly, so here's everything you need to know about recruiting Henchmen.

How to get Henchmen in Evil Genius 2: World Domination

To recruit Henchmen in Evil Genius 2, you will first need to complete all of the side stories that involve getting the basic tier minions. After this point, you will be able to send minions on a unique scheme to get one of four Henchmen on the world map after selecting the Henchmen you want to go after in the side story menu.  

That said, to get your Henchmen, you will need first complete the following side stores - here's all of them below.

  • Big Picture Thinking
  • Cover Operation
  • Amass Muscle
  • If it Ain't Broke

You can find all four of these side stories in the side story tab, by clicking the systems menu at the bottom left of your screen and then objectives, as shown below. 

After clicking objectives, you will then be able to view the side story tab by clicking its tab shown in the image below.

From the side story tab, you will be able to start all four minion missions, and to complete them, all you need to do is kidnap a minion on the world stage and bring them back to your prison and interrogate them. 

To do this, you will need to build a prison with a cell and interrogation chair, which you can build via the build menu and then item tabs. 

Related: All Cheats and Commands in Evil Genius 2: World Domination

Just find the hammer and shovel icon and then the shackles icon on the far right to start building a prison - it also doesn't need to be very big, something small will be fine for now. 

Once you got the prison built, you will be ready to get the side stories done by kidnapping and interrogating special minions. Once you got a minion in your cell, you can interrogate them by clicking on their cell and then selecting the option to do so and then an interrogation chair.

After the interrogation finishes, you will need to build a training room with a training device for that minion class - after this, you will then need to go to the minion training tab and recruit five minions for that minion class.

Repeat these steps for all four minions, and you will reach the point where you can get henchmen, and at this point, you will be able to pick one of four henchmen from the side story tab. After choosing a henchmen, you will need to send minions out on a scheme after them on the world map -you can the scheme via a unique icon on the map.

When the scheme finishes, you will be greeted with a brief cutscene, and the henchmen will arrive at your base. You will also be able to get the other henchmen you didn't choose at a later point through special side stories for them. 

For more on Evil Genius 2, we at PGG have you covered with guides like How to manage Heat in Evil Genius 2: World Domination and How to distract agents in Evil Genius 2: World Domination.
