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Barotrauma gets a massive update called Among the Ancients

Barotrauma has just received a massive update just in time for Halloween called Among the Ancients. The update adds more depth to characters and adds a massive overhaul to alien ruins with the goal of making exploration more disturbing.

Characters have also received a talent system that gives players unique talents and buffs that can be unlocked as the player gains XP points. 

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With this new talent system implemented, the developers feel classes will be more distinct and valuable, allowing players to shape their characters freely. Animations and proportions were also given a few touch-ups, all while keeping with the trademark ragdoll appearance.

However, the main appeal of the Among the Ancients update is that the changes made to characters nor better animations. It's the changes and expansions made to ruins that are most intriguing. 

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Basically, the ruins in the game were completely redesigned and now have distinct and visually creepy looks. The game can also create even larger versions of ruins, thanks to improved procedural generation. 

New threats also roam the ruins, with a redesigned factual guardian that now uses harpoons and steam cannons to swat trespassers.

A new swarm feeder is also roaming about looking for blood, so you best be on your guard when looting and searching ruins. On top of new threats, a Gravity sphere and ruin vent also add new effects to the ruins.

You can find Barotrauma on Steam, and for more Barotraumacontent PGG has you covered!
